5 Reasons One-to-Ones Are Vital For Your Contact Centre’s Success

One-to-ones are an essential but far too often overlooked part of the Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Cycle. One-to-one meetings between managers and employees are often one of those things that everyone agrees is important, but that get nixed during busy periods. This article outlines why you should always make time for one-on-ones, even if it makes…

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Techniques for Training, Coaching, and Employee Engagement Conference roundup

Last Thursday, CEO Jaime enjoyed discussing all things employee engagement-related at CRM XChange’s Techniques for Training, Coaching, and Employee Engagement Conference. Running for four days, attendees were treated to a variety of viewpoints on the subject, with particular focus on remote working, and how that could affect existing employee coaching practices. As major employee engagement…

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Never underestimate the power of constructive feedback!

We all love doing it – telling our friends and family about the shop assistant who went the extra mile, the nurse who showed extra care or the colleague who promised that job would be done by 4pm, but then didn’t follow through… Grrr! But how many times do we tell the actual shop assistant,…

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How Quality Assurance helps organisations build a coaching programme

Giving feedback is something that almost all leaders still find a stressful experience, yet it’s a key part of the duties of anyone with direct reports. For your customer service to be world-class, you can’t just rely on the usual ‘go-to’ of quarterly or half-yearly reviews. Consistent and regular feedback cycles (of both positive and…

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