From 1% to 90% coverage for Blue Rhino
Discover how betting operator Blue Rhino is leveraging AI power on its ongoing journey to provide an unrivaled customer experience.
Discover how betting operator Blue Rhino is leveraging AI power on its ongoing journey to provide an unrivaled customer experience.
Gambling and gaming
QA time reduced by 120%
From 1% coverage to 90%
Blue Rhino, an established online gambling and gaming operator, offers its customers a streamlined, efficient way to bet on the most popular sports across markets – but their real USP is their superior customer service. But with upwards of 1,000 interactions a day, manual quality assurance checks were no longer going to cut it if Blue Rhino wanted to truly understand and improve its customers’ experience.
Blue Rhino wants to compete not just on its extensive offering, but also its leading approach to customer service. As a result, Blagovest Vangelov, Head of L&D and QA, has spent time really honing in on how to drive performance among agents to deliver an exceptional experience. Leveraging Auto QA and custom line items on scorecards to score agents on what matters to their business: empathy and attitude.
“It takes just a few minutes to build an automated scorecard,” says Vangelov “And I didn’t expect the generative AI to be able to detect in such detail the empathy and agent attitude!”
In fact, the sophisticated level of Gen AI available in evaluagentCX enabled Blue Rhino to move from a simplistic Pass/Fail evaluation to a five-point scale. The AI assessment provides more nuance, ensuring the team is better equipped to understand training needs – Vangelov has already made changes to the onboarding training program and monthly sessions as a result.
Similarly, Blue Rhino has made great use of evaluagent’s sentiment analysis and xNPS metric: “It’s very useful. We created a filter to extract only low sentiment chats, which are checked by our QA team. We can then see if there are negative trends at a general level, or if agents are mishandling something specific, and then put measures in place to fix that – like more training or adding to the monthly knowledge test.”
evaluagent’s value goes beyond QA and agent performance. It can impact several other key touchpoints of the customer experience.
“Now we know, typically, lower scores come from customers who want to receive their free bonuses, and aren’t happy when they don’t get them! But we can also catch other instances, like website or technical issues, and get those fixed.”
From only checking 1% of their thousand daily interactions, to now having coverage up to 90% of conversations thanks to Auto QA, Blue Rhino has much more confidence in its customer experience strategy. “Having all interactions checked really enables us to have confidence in the direction we’re taking,” says Vangelov.
Before implementing Auto QA, evaluations could take anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes depending on complexity. Now, thanks to so many checks being automated, along with helpful GenAI summaries, it takes the team an average of just 5 minutes. These huge time savings enable Vangelov and his team to focus on training needs and driving performance at an individual and team level.
Vangelov has used evaluagentCX to create a really strong system for scoring, with customized scorecards that exactly track the outcomes that matter to Blue Rhino. With its dedicated stats on empathy and agent attitudes, the information they need is at the forefront, in dashboards easily accessed by Heads of Department, Team Leaders and trainers.
Right from the get-go, Blue Rhino found the evaluagent team easy to work with. “Migration was very smooth, and we received the necessary support,” says Blagovest Vangelov, Head of L&D and QA. And with five years of partnering with evaluagent, he still feels that way today: “If I have questions I always feel I can drop them a message – I like working with evaluagent, and I always receive a timely solution.”
Such is the team’s satisfaction with evaluagentCX, Blue Rhino has further plans to build even more topics and integrate evaluagentCX with its back office, closing the loop and achieving 100% coverage. With all its information in one place, we’re excited to see what other gains Blue Rhino will make.
Having all interactions checked really enables us to have confidence in the direction we’re taking. Even if I tried to say something bad, I can’t! I’m very happy with the service.
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