Klaus Alternative

Searching for a Klaus Alternative?

Choose evaluagentCX for your Quality Assurance & Improvement software, the most connected platform for contact centers. We’re dedicated to enhancing the customer experience by elevating the quality of sales and service conversations through automated agent improvement.

evaluagentCX seamlessly integrates with any system, ensuring 100% conversation coverage across all channels. This integration allows you to reveal previously hidden insights, drive performance improvements, and boost agent engagement effectively.

Loved by teams and companies you know.

Enhance CX through Automated Agent Improvement

  • analyse interactions

    Find the issues​ by analyzing 100% of interactions

  • actionable insight Quality Assurance Icon

    Deliver more actionable insight by focusing ​& automating QA

  • Scale agent improvement with automation, ​support & HR-rigour

  • Empower teams

    Empower and keep the team engaged


Enhanced Insights and 100% Coverage with evaluagentCX

evaluagentCX delivers genuine 100% coverage, seamlessly integrating with any solution. Featuring market-leading call transcription powered by Deepgram, offered for FREE, our platform enables AI to analyze conversations across calls, emails, social, and web chat, revealing insights into issues like returns, repeat calls, regulatory breaches, churn, complaints, and lost sales. With our co-pilot, approach, we highlight high-risk interactions to and use AI to accelerate scoring without compromising human oversight, ensuring impactful agent improvements for exceptional customer experiences. Unlike competitors, we leave no insight behind, comprehensively addressing both text-based and voice interactions.

Contact Centre eLearning Reporting

Drive Agent Improvement and Keep them Engaged

With evaluagentCX, agents actively drive their improvement through real-time access to results, coaching, and training records, enhanced by a gamified recognition and reward system

Our integrated eLearning LMS tool streamlines training, reducing costs and ensuring swift onboarding. Agents earn “points” for positive actions, promoting consistency, with progression incentivized through dynamic “levels” and performance boards. The platform’s unique feature allows users to bid on rewards via an eBay-style auction, fostering engagement and continuous improvement within the team.

Quality Assurance Connected Workflows

Streamlining Quality Assurance at Scale with Robust Workflows

In contrast to competitors, our reporting and improvement workflows were purpose-built to address the rigorous and unique demands As you scale, managers need efficient tools for feedback, coaching, training, and performance improvement, in addition to comprehensive reports and well-documented evidence to tackle HR and people management challenges effectively. 

evaluagentCX offers automated workflows without losing human oversight, simplifying feedback, coaching, training, and performance management processes, allowing you to spend your time supporting and working with your team rather than drowning in data.

Redaction Quality Assurance Software

Unparalleled Compliance Control

In regulated industries, every conversation can define your brand’s reputation. Without 100% coverage, ensuring full compliance is impossible. evaluagentCX simplifies this with automated compliance checks, instantly revealing breaches. 

Identify agents in need of targeted training, track interventions, and easily demonstrate your efforts in addressing knowledge gaps or resolving issues, all securely documented. Our distinctive redaction feature sets us apart from competitors, allowing for the removal of sensitive customer data while preserving essential context for evaluators.

SmartView Flourish

Empower Data-Driven Decisions in the Contact Center with Customizable Dashboards

evaluagentCX stands out from the crowd by granting you the ability to shape your data experience. In addition to our SmartView dashboard, we offer a comprehensive suite of reports that deliver unparalleled flexibility. 

Distinguish us from other QA platforms by eliminating noise and concentrating on the QA metrics that matter most to you. With enhanced flexibility, advanced visualizations, and simplified data analysis, evaluagent redefines decision-making, augments efficiency, and provides an unmatched representation of contact center performance.

Book a full product demo to start a conversation about how you can:

  • Evaluate every conversation in a matter of seconds
  • Increase customer loyalty and retention 
  • Deliver bespoke agent training
  • Save time and money while maximising revenue in your call centre
  • Find out about how you could use AI to auto-score every conversation
  • Start a fully supported free trial of Evaluagent to see the power of the product for yourself
  • Invite as many team members as you want to your live demo, and have your questions answered

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