
Uncover unethical practices in your healthcare insurance contact center

In the US healthcare insurance industry, providing quality services and ensuring ethical practices are essential to building trust and maintaining the wellbeing of beneficiaries. However, recent reports have shed light on concerning trends of unethical behavior in contact centers, specifically within private sector sales and marketing for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. As the Head of Quality Assurance, you have a critical role to play in unmasking these unethical practices and ensuring compliance with regulations.

The Rise of Unethical Practices

The majority staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance and research conducted by ‘The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) has exposed an alarming increase in complaints about aggressive tactics employed by frontline agents. These practices include misleading beneficiaries about doctor coverage, excessive and harassing phone calls, and other fraudulent activities.

The Impact on Beneficiaries

Such unethical practices have severe consequences for beneficiaries. Elderly individuals, who trust their insurance agents to provide accurate information, may find themselves facing unexpected out-of-pocket expenses when their doctor turns out to be out-of-network. Additionally, persistent and aggressive phone calls can be distressing and disruptive for vulnerable individuals. As leaders in the healthcare insurance industry, it is your duty to protect beneficiaries from these harmful practices.

Regulatory Compliance and Accountability

Insurance companies and agents are bound by state insurance laws and the Medicare Marketing Guidelines, which clearly outline expectations for ethical conduct. It is crucial for your quality assurance team to enforce compliance with these regulations and hold agents accountable for their actions. CMS has also announced increased oversight, including the review of marketing materials and secret shopper studies, to identify and penalize bad actors.

The Role of Quality Assurance

Quality assurance and performance management play a pivotal role in combatting unethical practices. By implementing robust quality assurance measures, you can proactively identify and address any gaps or issues in compliance. Here are some key steps to consider:

  1. Comprehensive Training: Provide agents with thorough training on compliance standards, ethical conduct, and best practices in sales and marketing. Educate them on the consequences of unethical behavior and emphasize the importance of maintaining beneficiary trust.
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitor agent interactions with beneficiaries to ensure compliance and ethical conduct. Use call monitoring tools, assess customer feedback, and conduct performance evaluations to identify any potential red flags or deviations from established protocols.
  3. Feedback and Coaching: Provide constructive feedback and coaching to agents based on their performance evaluations. Address any compliance issues promptly, and offer guidance on how to improve their approach to sales and marketing while maintaining ethical standards.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update quality assurance protocols to align with evolving regulations and industry best practices. Stay informed about CMS guidelines and ensure your team is up to date with any changes to regulations or compliance requirements.

In an industry focused on providing the best service to beneficiaries , it is essential to unmask and eradicate unethical practices in healthcare insurance contact centers. As the Head of Quality Assurance, your role is vital in ensuring compliance, protecting beneficiaries from fraud and misrepresentation, and upholding ethical standards.

By implementing robust quality assurance measures, providing comprehensive training, and holding agents accountable for their actions, you can contribute to the eradication of these unethical practices and foster a culture of compliance and integrity within your organization. Let’s work together to provide quality healthcare insurance services that prioritize providing the best service to beneficiaries.

By Emily Broom
Emily is Evaluagent’s Head of Demand Generation and takes the lead on marketing strategy and campaign implementation for new customer acquisition, prioritising brand trust and thought leadership for outstanding customer experiences.