Think all-in-one solutions get you better CX? Think again Read more
Does AI spell the end of traditional customer surveys? 

Masterclasses by evaluagent Our Masterclass series focuses on busting topical myths in the CX space. In these sessions, you’ll get data-backed insights and research, alongside actionable takeaways to start using in your contact center today. Pop your details in the form to watch on-demand now, or take a look at our events page to see…

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AI in the contact center: 4 things you need before you launch

So, you’re convinced AI is the next frontier for your contact center. Exciting times! But before embarking on your AI journey, there are a few things you’ll need to have in place to prevent getting too ahead of yourself. 1. Supporting infrastructure This is a big one. Without solid processes, defined roles and responsibilities, and…

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AI onboarding made easy: a guide for your contact center 

Get started with AI today  This guide covers:  Download your copy today for a no-frills guide to safely and effectively implementing AI in your contact center – so you can start reaping the rewards. 

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Is there a better alternative to real-time QA?

Masterclasses by evaluagent Our Masterclass series focuses on busting topical myths in the CX space. In these sessions, you’ll get:  Pop your details in the form to watch on-demand today, or take a look at our events page to see what else is coming up.

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Myth: Post-call surveys are the only way to collate customer feedback

In the fast-paced world of customer service, delivering satisfaction is key. Contact centers, the frontline of customer interaction, have long relied on post-call surveys to gauge a range of metrics like customer satisfaction, customer effort and Net Promoter Scores (NPS), in a bid to try and unearth what their customers really think. It could be…

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How to use AI to reduce contact center attrition

The contact center agent’s role has never been easy. Long hours, irritated customers, and constant monitoring can lead to quick burnout. But what if AI and automation could help make their jobs more enjoyable? Forward-thinking contact centers know that satisfied employees lead to satisfied customers. By leveraging the latest AI and automation tools, you can…

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Contact center automation: 7 ways to improve performance

There is so much scope for simplification in today’s contact centres. Team Leaders and evaluators alike face high pressure and intense workloads, which can sometimes result in QA being less about improvement and more about ticking boxes.  Thankfully, technology has come a long way in how it can support roles across the contact centre, providing…

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5 predictions shaping the contact center in 2024

It’s beginning to look a lot like… predictions season! With customer expectations shifting, technology advancing and contact centers in high demand, there’s a lot to consider for 2024. Whether it’s ever-evolving tech stacks, or a renewed focus on agent wellbeing, contact centers will have their work cut out for them if they want to ensure…

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AI: Its place in the Contact Center

Learn how AI can help elevate your QA today Download this white paper to learn:  AI for QA has the potential to drive widespread positive changes in contact centers – don’t get left behind. Download the white paper today!

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